Add contact information for Mechanicsburg Schools

Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s):

Mechanicsburg Schools uses an Automated Emergency Call and Email System. This system will be used to call home in case of cancellations or delays due to the weather, power outages, fog and other emergencies. The system can call home, work , and cell numbers and even email. The contact information is updated every year based on the "emergency medical forms" that are sent home and completed. You are the one that provides the numbers you want called, however if a number that you have provided us changes before the start of the next school year, you can update it by clicking the above link.

About One Call Now Communication Service
One Call Now is an automated parent notification service that allows schools to contact thousands of parents within minutes. The partnership with One Call Now shows your school’s commitment to you and to your child's education and safety.

How One Call Now Benefits You
One Call Now allows school administrators to keep you updated as quickly and efficiently with personalized messages and helps you, as a parent; stay actively involved in your child's education.

One Call Now has the ability to: Reach thousands of parents in moments
Send notifications even when school phone lines are down
Rapidly deliver first-hand information during a crisis situation both by phone and email

How One Call Now Benefits Schools
One Call Now is the easiest and most-effective solution for schools to quickly and accurately communicate personalized messages to you.

Receiving MessagesYou will receive two different types of calls from the schools:
Routine notification calls which do not directly affect the safety of students, staff or parents. These calls include upcoming events.
Emergency notification calls are used during critical incidents where a child, staff member or parent’s safety is in immediate jeopardy. These calls may include lockdowns, evacuations and relocations.

Importance of Accurate Contact Information
The most important thing parents can do is verify the accuracy of their contact information. Schools must have updated phone numbers and email addresses for One Call Now to work effectively and efficiently. You are the one responsible for making sure the system has accurate numbers. Go to the Mechanicsburg Website and enter and update up to six phone numbers for use during an emergency. The One Call Now system will call the home,work, cell or any phone number you need a message sent.

One Call Now keeps all of its clients information confidential and secure. All data is password protected on secure servers accessible only by school administration.

We have decided to use this system as part ofGoal # 4of our District Goals:

1. Prioritize student learning and achievement by focusing our conversations, allocation of resources, and data collection to maximize the learning and growth of all students.

2. Maintain a fiscally responsible and stable school district.

3. Improve collaboration skills among staff, administrators and Board of Education.

4. Focus on customer service, relationships and school safety.

Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date.

Thank you.